- use Object styles instead of styled components until we can fix the inject
Late Night
I finally went to bed around 11:30pm last night. Woke back up at 3:30am with this hyper productivity mindset. Back to my computer and looking at the rest of the NPM packages I still need to work through for cdbattaglia-web
and decided to choose the @down-the-whole/intro
This package is very unique because it's just a frontend but with some fanciness in the form of React/TypeScript all in Vite which is the VitePress system of bundling SSR but not in realtime. I could even use this for SSR if I really wanted to...?
Vite is marvelous because it operates at lightspeed. Think of it like Uber Fusion.js meets Vue and others!
File Copy
This would make a great binary that I can make in Rust.
curl > .gitignore
PIM -> Magento -> Mirakl
- offers
- inventory
- price
- products
- name
- etc
Twitter Opinions
"Still find it hard to voice my opinion on twitter. I am like oh i could reply here. Then I am like no that’s stupid."
"My rule of thumb is pretend like the whole world is listening"
"Privacy doesn't exist online"